As the line between friendship and flirtation begins to blur, Hannah can't deny she loves everything about Fox, but she refuses to be another notch on his bedpost. yet the more time she spends with Fox, the more she wants him instead.

Armed with a few tips from Westport's resident Casanova, Hannah sets out to catch her coworker's eye. In fact, she's nursing a hopeless crush on a colleague and Fox is just the person to help with her lackluster love life. She knows he's a notorious ladies' man, but they're definitely just friends. Now, Hannah's in town for work, crashing in Fox's spare bedroom. But he likes her too much to risk a fling, so platonic pals it is. personality? And wants to be friends? Bizarre. She's immune to his charm and looks, but she seems to enjoy his. Everyone knows he's a guaranteed good time-in bed and out-and that's exactly how he prefers it. King crab fisherman Fox Thornton has a reputation as a sexy, carefree flirt. Simply put, Allida believes that when artists draw from their most intense enthusiasms, kids get great books.In the follow-up to It Happened One Summer, Tessa Bailey delivers another deliciously fun rom-com about a former player who accidentally falls for his best friend while trying to help her land a different man. The result has been books that consistently earn both critical acclaim and commercial success, and, most importantly, are fiercely adored by countless young readers.Allida builds on that model by supporting creators from marginalized communities whose work defies expectations. Her protagonists often share her Korean American ethnicity-but not always, and her focus has been to write as well as she can on subjects about which she cares deeply. Over a 20-year-plus career, she has written picture books and novels contemporary and historical stories realism and fantasy poetry and prose. This emphasis on creator-led stories mirrors Linda Sue Park’s own journey as an author. Allida’s goal is to sustain that change and nurture further equity and inclusion by encouraging marginalized writers and artists to create stories they are passionate about. The children’s book world is experiencing a new sense of excitement as opportunities for inclusion increase-a change made possible by visionaries who worked in relative obscurity for decades.

Allida seeks to “make known” stories by creators whose perspectives have too often been ignored or undervalued and whose voices are essential for giving young readers a richer understanding of our shared world. The Korean word allida (ah-lee-dah) means to inform, announce, or make known.